For the longest time, I thought life was all about the big moments—the big trips, the big accomplishments, the big changes. I was always looking ahead, chasing the next exciting thing. When I was in school, this was especially true. Getting to the end, just being finished, was always in my mind. I rushed through assignments, counted down the semesters and clinical days, and constantly told myself that once I got through it, then I could finally breathe. But somewhere along the way, I realized I was missing out on the little things happening right in front of me. Because life isn’t just about the grand, sweeping moments—it’s about the small, quiet ones too. The ones we overlook because they feel ordinary. Those everyday moments? That’s where the good stuff is.
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You can find my favorite journals here. The books on my table are Daily Stoic and Right Thing, Right Now, both by Ryan Holiday. I recommend both.
Finding Joy in the Ordinary
One morning, as I sat on my back porch with a cup of coffee, I looked up and noticed how the early light filtered through the trees. The way the leaves shimmered as the wind passed through them. The soft chatter of birds greeting the morning, the steady hum of crickets lingering from the night before, the distant tap of a woodpecker starting its day—the gentle soundtrack of nature waking up. It stopped me in my tracks.
I had probably seen that view a thousand times before, but that day, I really saw it. And in that moment, there was peace. There was nothing to fix, no problems to solve—just the simple beauty of the morning.
I realized how often I rush through my days without noticing the little joys. I let stress, distractions, and my never-ending to-do list steal my ability to be present. But the truth is, joy is always there. It’s in the sound of laughter from the next room, the smell of dinner cooking, the way my dogs curl up next to me after a long day.
When we stop searching for happiness in the “big” things and start appreciating the small, everyday moments, life suddenly becomes richer, fuller.

Why We Miss the Good Stuff
I think we’re all guilty of it—spending so much time running after what’s next that we forget to notice what’s right in front of us. We tell ourselves, “I’ll be happy when I get that promotion, when I lose the weight, when I finally take that dream trip.” And hey, I get it, I’ve said these things too. But here’s the thing—if we’re always waiting for the big things to make us happy, we end up missing out on the little things that are happening right now.
Your life is happening right now and we only get one. Happiness isn’t some elusive thing that’s hiding in the future, waiting for us to catch up. It’s right here and right now if we choose it. It’s in the little things. The way my dogs jump and do a little dance and get so excited just because I’m home. It’s the hug from a loved one, the text from a friend, ice cold water on a hot day or a hot cup of coffee when you wake up. And let’s not forget the power of a good song—there’s nothing like blasting your favorite tune in the car and totally embarrassing yourself by belting it out. Or eating lunch somewhere with a nice big window after being in the dark in the radiology area all day. LOL.
The truth is, the magic isn’t in some far-off future—it’s right here, in these small moments we rush past. If we don’t stop and take a look around, we’re going to miss it all.

How to Start Noticing More
So, how do we actually start paying attention? Well, here’s what’s helped me slow down and soak in the present:
Let things be simple – Not every moment needs to be productive or impressive. Some of the best moments happen when we’re doing absolutely nothing exciting. Like when you’re just sitting in the quiet, fully present, and realizing how peaceful it feels to just be. Embrace the simple things.
Put the phone down – I totally get it—we’ve all been there, scrolling mindlessly and losing track of time. You look up and suddenly realize hours have slipped away, and your phone has become a black hole for your attention. But here’s the thing—time is one of the most valuable things we have, and once it’s gone, we can’t get it back. When we stop staring at our screens, we make space for the real world around us. You’d be surprised at how much more you can notice and appreciate when you’re not distracted by your phone. The beauty of everyday moments becomes so much clearer when we’re actually present for them. This phone holder speaks for itself and is a good reminder!
Practice gratitude – I know, I know—gratitude sounds like one of those cheesy things we hear all the time, but trust me, it really works. And it doesn’t have to be some grand gesture. Every day, I try to make it a habit to notice three things that made me smile. It could be something as simple as Tom setting up the French press before bed so it’s ready to go in the morning, or finding that the traffic is lighter than usual on my way to work. The more I do it, the more I realize how many little moments of joy are tucked into the day, just waiting to be noticed. It’s a game-changer!
Pause before moving on – Lately, I’ve been making a point to take a few extra seconds to actually enjoy whatever’s happening before rushing to the next thing on my list. Sometimes, I’ll just sit in the car for a minute before heading inside, soaking in the quiet. Other times, I’ll stand outside for an extra moment, just letting the wind hit my face. And yes, I even let hugs last a little longer now—because, honestly, we could all use a few more good hugs in our lives. It’s those little moments that make all the difference.

The Beauty of Right Now
If there’s one thing I’ve realized in this crazy, fast-paced world, it’s that life isn’t some far-off event waiting to happen—it’s already happening. Those everyday, seemingly ordinary moments? They’re not just filler between the big milestones—they’re the real treasures.
So today, I’m making the choice to notice. To slow down and appreciate the mess, the chaos, and the beauty in it all. I’m choosing to find the magic in the mundane, because when we truly start paying attention, we see that the extraordinary has been right here all along.